Fantasy Terrain

Fantasy terrain compatible with multiple games such as Age of Sigmar, Frostgrave, DnD, Warhammer Fantasy, LOTR, Warcrow, Mordheim... In addition, our terrain is themed by factions such as dwarf, elf, human, orc, undead, halfling, ruins...

Designed by Forbidden Prints™. In 28mm/32mm scale.

SKU: FOR-D00011
(0 Reviews)

28mm scale.

SKU: 3DL-T00217
(0 Reviews)

From the Kingdom of Durak Deep collection, designed by. Conquest Creations™. Available in 28 mm and 32 mm scales.

SKU: CON-T00128
(0 Reviews)
€3.60 — €4.80
From the Zilvren Skyhold collection, designed by Tired World Studio™. Available in 32mm scale.
SKU: TWS-T00057
(0 Reviews)
From the Mimic Manor! collection, designed by Jamie Korte™. Available in 28 mm scale. Includes two miniatures, normal and mimic terrifying.
SKU: JKM-M00022
(0 Reviews)
€5.00 — €6.00
Escenografía de fantasía oscura con interior jugable y alto nivel de detalle. Valid for wargames and role-playing games with dark and sinister settings.
SKU: DUN-T00028
(0 Reviews)
€50.00 — €66.00

In 28mm/32mm scale.

SKU: TXA-T00877
(0 Reviews)

Egyptian terrain with playable and detailed interior. Available in 28mm and 32mm scales.

SKU: M3D-T00016
(0 Reviews)
€21.60 — €30.20

From the Kingdom of Tor Ithilas collection, designed by Conquest Creations™. Available in 28mm and 32mm scales.

SKU: CON-T00325
(0 Reviews)
€4.00 — €5.40

From "Ancrabourg: A modular medieval harbor" collection. Designed by 3DLayeredscenery™. Available in 28mm scale.

SKU: 3DL-T00123
(0 Reviews)

From Leichheim collection. Designed by 3DLayeredscenery™. Available in 15mm and 28mm scales.

SKU: 3DL-T00030
(0 Reviews)
€10.70 — €82.70

Designed by Forbidden Prints™. In 28mm/32mm scale.

SKU: FOR-D00012
(0 Reviews)

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